Book - Tropical Slipper Orchids by Harold Koopowitz
Harold Koopowitz is the author of a new book coming out in February,
"Tropical Slipper Orchids: Paphiopedilum and Phragmipedium Species and Hybrids".
NEW AND OLD PLANTS TO GROW My email mailbox is full of offers from the seed companies for free stuff with my seed order. I love free things but wish they would just reduce the amount of their shipping and handling charges instead of offering give-aways that I have little interest in.
Wonderful slipper orchids are the ones that always catch my eye when I see a book about orchids. Timber Press is the publisher of this beautiful and informative volume. The link will take you directly to a description of the book at the Timber Press site. It is 8.5 by 11-inches with 400-pages of photos and descriptions of tropical slipper orchids. The material includes information for those just learning about orchids and experienced growers.
Koopowitz is a plant biologist and professor emeritus of ecology at the University of California in Irvine. If you are attending the World Orchid Conference Jan 23 and 24, you will have a chance to hear Koopowitz speak.
NEW AND OLD PLANTS TO GROW My email mailbox is full of offers from the seed companies for free stuff with my seed order. I love free things but wish they would just reduce the amount of their shipping and handling charges instead of offering give-aways that I have little interest in.
Burpee's has new tomato introductions this year including Tangerine Mama, Italian Ice (white tomatoes!), Razzle Dazzle and Golden Mama. They are cool looking though I don't know if their flavor is significantly different. Packs of seed are $4 or $5 apiece.
This container is a collection of shade plants from White Flower Farm. The collection is called Tribal Fusion.
It contains three foliage plants -- Sanchezia speciosa (sent in a 1qt pot), Coleus 'Merlin's Magic', and Begonia 'Fireworks'. The other plants are Heuchera Dolce® Key Lime Pie, bright Ipomoea batatas Sweet Caroline™ Light Green and two Impatiens: Fanfare™ Fuchsia (PPAF) and Butterfly™ Lilac (PPAF). One plant of each variety, seven plants total for about $80.
This lily
is one of the many bulbs I grew from Old House Gardens last year. If you don't know about the company, it is powered by owner Scott Kunst's desire to preserve historic bulbs.