Fruit and Nut Resource for Texas gardeners

Relentlessly resourceful Neil Sperry posted a link to the Texas A & M Extension service Fruit and Nut Resource.

Go to and research what you need to know to succeed.

If you would like to subscribe to the fruit and nut grower's blog, go to


Stacey said…
Since we moved back to Texas a few months ago, I've been working on mental ideas for our yard. The Aggie Horticulture site is the best! We went to the nursery today just looking for inspiration and soaking up the sunshine.
Molly Day said…
Hi Stacey - My challenge is always to take my time with a new space, plan small and grow the garden over time. I get so excited though!
Have a great time touring gardens and learning what will make your new space into an escape that pleases your family.

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