Aphid in My Eye by Tom Powell

Humor, insight, and several decades of gardening, garden writing and developing a fine sense of irony come together in Tom Powell's latest book, "Aphid in My Eye: Adventures in the Orchid Trade" published by Mackey Books.

Tom and Betty Powell lived plants in and around New York City. Now that Betty is gone, Tom's tribute to their endearing story is recorded. Betsy West provided the illustrations for their tales in the world of orchid growing and showing.

While the book will be of interest to orchid lovers it will also be well loved by anyone who enjoys laughing at the plant industry's foibles and follies. Plus, it is a love story about two people who found each other and lived well together.

The American Orchid Society said, "The best part of this rated-very-G booklet is Powell’s take on the "big regional orchid society" or Metropolitan Northern Tier Orchid Society (MNTOS). Anyone who has ever associated with the Byzantine politics and fiefdoms of not-for-profit plant groups knows what he means. Powell describes the official and unofficial society leaders as the brotherhood of the pseudobulb and oh-so-kindly portrays the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of those more delicate times. What an experience the Powells must have had, before the orchid world was subsumed by big-box stores and mass marketing! Reading Aphid in My Eye is sort of like fondly watching a rerun of "Leave It To Beaver," and wishing for the good old days."

It's a lovely read - available from Mackey Books, Barnes and Noble for $14 and used copies are on Amazon for $10.

The first book I bought by the Powells was this one.


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