Photo Contest - High Country Gardens - entries due May 31

Have good photos? You can win stuff at High Country Gardens' contest if yours is selected.

The categories:
Best Flower Close-Up, Best Flower Grouping, Best Landscape, People Enjoying Gardens, Critters in the Garden (birds, cats, dogs, etc.), Insects in the Garden, Winter Interest and Spring-Blooming Bulbs.

Rules include -You may enter up to five photos.
 Images should be high resolution--greater than 500kb at 300 dpi in .jpg format.
To pass through our spam filters, the photo files should be less than 10mb in size.
All photos submitted before midnight Mountain Time on May 31st, 2014 will be eligible to win $50 High Country Gardens gift certificate.
One gift certificate valued at $100 will be awarded to the first place winner, as decided by popular vote.
Voting will held June 7-30, 2013.
Grand Prize winner will be announced on or before July 15, 2014.
Prizes have no cash value and can only be used to purchase products from High Country Gardens, either via our website or over the phone.

All the info is on the HCG website (link above) and
here's the submission link


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