Plants Adapted/Evolved to Cope with Cold
As gardeners observe their heat and cold zones
shift, they wonder how plants and animals can possibly adapt to all the changes
that have happened to climate over time. Locally, the USDA hardiness zone (
moved from 6 to 7 and gardeners around the country report similar trends.
In school, we learned about the era of dinosaurs, the
ice age, and, now the gradual replacement of tropical forest to dry Savannah is
occurring. Birds lay eggs earlier in the year and plants are starting their
spring cycles days sooner than in the past.
Henry David Thoreau
recorded detailed lists of the precise blooming and leafing of several hundred flowers
trees, and shrubs from 1852 to 1861. Those plants are responding to spring
two-weeks earlier now ( as a result of climate change in general and due to the
urban heat island created by the greater Boston population.
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Tree of Life Image: |
At the other end of the spectrum, researchers are
studying how plants evolved to withstand winter weather. The evolutionary tree
of 32,000 flowering plants they created illustrates adaptation to freezing
temperatures based on leaf and stem data.
What they found is that plants invented mechanisms
and characteristics to help them thrive as they spread over the globe. We take
these changes for granted. They include dying back to the roots during cold
months and returning in spring – we call those plants herbaceous perennials.
And the plants knew to make the adaptation even before the freezing weather
arrived in their growing zone.
The researchers said that unlike animals, plants
cannot relocate when the temperatures change, nor can they generate their own
heat. Ice is their other challenge.
"Think about the air bubbles you see suspended
in the ice cubes," said co-author Amy Zanne of the George Washington
University. "If enough of these air bubbles come together as water thaws
they can block the flow of water from the roots to the leaves and kill the
In Moscow Idaho, a team of plant researchers including University of Idaho biologist David
Tank, assembled the largest dated evolutionary tree that shows the order in
which flowering plants evolved seasonal leaf-shedding.
question scientists have been trying to answer is how woody plants like maple
trees moved from their original, wet, tropical environments into cold climates.
Jeremy Beaulieu at the National Institute for
Mathematical & Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) at the University of TN is
examining fossil evidence and has found that the flowering plants that first
lived in warm, tropical parts of the world learned to cope as they moved to
temperatures as cold as 15 below C. Beaulieu posted a 40-minute presentation at explaining his work in language
gardeners can easily understand.
Researchers identified the three coping
mechanisms plants developed: 1) They dropped their leaves to shut down the
water pathways between roots and leaves (hickory and oak); 2) Devised thinner
water pathways to reduce the risk of killing air bubbles (birch and poplar),
and 3) avoided the cold weather by dying to the ground, preserving their future
survival/life in seeds, roots, bulbs and corms.
The scientists built two sets of
data: 1) a database of 49,064 species listing whether each species maintains a
stem above ground loses its leaves and changes the width of the water-carrying
pathway; and 2) whether the plant was ever exposed to freezing. (Look up your
climate at
The researchers developed an
evolutionary tree of 32,223 plant species. It is the most comprehensive view of
flowering plant evolutionary history to date and is available as an interactive
graphic at
Their future research will focus
on how plants adapt to drought and heat.
Resources -
Plants adapt to freezing weather
Plants adapt to freezing weather
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
Tree of Life - Khan Academy video
Climate change and
Interactive site Climate Change