Hellebore Festival in VA

Pine Knott Hellebore Farms is opening the growing season with a Hellebore Festival. It will be Fridays and Saturdays from the end of Feb. and into March.

If you click on the link above, you'll get all the information about the festival plus tips on succeeding with them.

In our NE OK area, the summer heat and humidity are too brutal for these lovelies but if you are lucky enough to have the right weather they are evergreen all winter and provide flowers when nothing else is pretty.

Pine Knott tips -

Evergreen varieties include - Helleborus x hybridus, true H. orientalis, H. niger, H. x nigercors, H. x ericsmithii, and H. foetidus

Evergreen in warm climates -  H. argutifolius, H. lividus (tender), H. x sternii

Deciduous in most gardens - H. multifidus, H. purpurascens, H. viridis, H. odorus, H. atrorubens, H. dumetorum, H. cyclophyllus  H. torquatus and H. croaticus, H. thibetanus.

In their garden H. purpurascens and some strains of H. multifidus begin going dormant in August or September. 

Since buds are formed in summer, stress such as withholding food and water can reduce blooms in winter. 

When the nights begin to cool off a bit, in late August or early September, H. x hybridus plants begin to put on new leaves and seem to experience a growth spurt.

Pine Knott recommends cutting off flowers after seeds  have ripened, and  cutting back the old  leaves of the evergreen species just before the flowers appear in winter to better appreciate the beautiful blooms.  

Click over to their site for more.


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