Turquoise Tails sedum is Sedum sediforme

What a thrill to see Turquoise Tails sedum named as the first sedum in the Plant Select® program. This hard-working plant plays a huge part in our garden!

Turquoise Tails sedum was pioneered by Kelly Grummons, and Scott and Lauren Ogden, though I have zero memory as to how it first came to live in our yard.

Used as an edging for  Hosta bed

It is an heirloom, native to the Mediterranean.  It has spiky, turquoise-blue succulent leaves and in May-June it has small yellow flowers.

The compact mounds create an accent for water-smart gardens. I use it as an edging plant for yards and yards of flower beds.

This wonderful, work-horse of a succulent is winter hardy to zone 5a (-15 to -20° F).  It survives with very little care once established, is drought tolerant as well as deer/bunny resistant.

"New Plants and Flowers" says, "The first sedum in the US Plant Select program, Turquoise Tails is featured in the latest newsletter of this cooperative initiative administered by Denver Botanic Gardens and Colorado State University in concert with horticulturists and nurseries throughout the Rocky Mountain region and beyond. “Several years ago, Kelly Grummons and Lauren Springer Ogden approached us with the suggestion to promote this tough, old-world Sedum sediforme. After successful trials and evaluations, we’re pleased to announce this turquoise-blue succulent is now available through member nurseries and growers”, can be read in the newsletter.
Expected to become one of the more popular species."

Mid-May flowers

Turquoise Tails Blue Sedum (Sedum sediforme)
Height: 4-6”
Width: 8-12”
Blooms: June-July (that must be in Denver because ours is already in bloom or at least budding)
Sun: Full sun
Water: Dry to xeric
Hardiness: USDA zones 5a-10
Culture: Sandy soil, loam, clay


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