Southern Plant Conference, Aug 5 in Atlanta

The Southern Nursery Association is holding a Southern Plant Conference on
August 5 (8 am to 5pm)  in Atlanta at the Georgia International Conference Center across from Hartsfield Airport.

Here's the registration form with details. There's an early registration discount.

Tony Avent of Plant Delight's Nursery posted
"The new SNA Southern Plant Conference, sandwiched between the trade show and other educational sessions, will be held on August 5 at the Georgia International Conference Center across from Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta. The incredible speaker list includes: Allen Armitage, Paul Capiello, Steve Castorani, Rick Crowder, Mike Dirr, John Elsley, Joseph Hillenmeyer, John Hoffman, Richard Olsen, Tom Ranney, James Owen Reich, Ted Stephens, Brian Upchurch, Takay Uki Kobayashi of Japan, and yours truly."

Sounds incredible!


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