Around the Internet - Daffnet update, Master Gardener newsletters, plant and seed sales, and a wow video

My inbox is always stuffed with garden blogs, garden book information, newsletters and how-tos. Here are a few that may be of interest to you.

If you are a fan of Daffodils and a member of the online daffodil conversation called Daffnet, your inbox has an email requiring you to give yourself a new password. All previous passwords are being eliminated.  Here's the link scoop from our fab administrators "This morning you received your last monthly password reminder for  "". Normally, members use this password to    access the email archive files.  Now, all contents within the archive can be found on There are a variety of methods you can use to search through the archives including using the "Search box", clicking on a category, or using the calendar. Many of you have already requested a password for new Daffnet.  If you have not yet, click on this link "Get new Password" and enter your email address: You will receive an email with a URL link to click which will enable you to enter a password."

The Tulsa Master Gardeners' email newsletter has tips on getting the fall veg garden going by the end of September, lawn and landscape care. TMG newsletters are at

Brent and Becky's tulip sale is at

Northern California's Master Gardener's monthly gardening advice is at

Territorial Seed is having a fall planting flower sale at

Memphis TN Master Gardener's newsletter is at

Mountain Valley Growers is having a fall sale at
Look for perennial herbals such as lavender, catnip, agastache, oregano, salvia, thyme as well as broccoli, rhubarb and lettuce.

Missouri Environment and Garden newsletter is at

Botanical Interests has lots of seeds on sale 40% off at

And as a bonus for anyone who read to the end, plant people will love this youtube video from Botanicus Interactis


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