Roses of Tulsa Inc. owner speaking in Muskogee

Roses are thought to be the most popular of all the garden flowers, and with good reason.  Whether you want a tree, climbing, shrub or trailing rose, there is a selection that will fit the space available. With hundreds of hybrids, the color choices are almost unlimited and disease resistance is practically assured.
The natural distribution of wild roses covers the world. Cultivated roses, originally from China (Rosa chinesis) and from Europe by way of China (Rosa chinesis odorata), were cultivated by the year 2736 B.C.
Mark Stelljes, owner of Roses of Tulsa ( will be talking about how to succeed with growing roses, at the Muskogee Garden Club monthly meeting today. He has been growing roses from cuttings and roots for 30-years.
 “During planting season we have 500 rose varieties in stock,” Stelljes said. “Right now we are down to two-thousand plants and only 300 varieties.”
The roses they sell include hybrid tea, grandiflora, floribunda, mini, miniflora, old garden varieties and the largest selection of Griffith Buck roses in the country and all the All America Rose Selections.
Griffith Buck (1915-1991) was a horticulture professor at Iowa State University. He hybridized 93 named roses.  Buck, along with collaborators Neils Hanson and Wilhelm Kordes bred and grew rose seedlings that they did not water, fertilize or protect with chemicals. The rosees that thrived include: Barn Dance, Applejack, Prairie Sunrise, Spanish Rhapsody, Sevilliana, Carefree Beauty or Katy Road Pink.
The Buck roses thought to do best in the humid south include: Carefree Beauty (Katy Road Pink), Country Dancer, Distant Drums, Golden Unicorn, Hi Neighbor, Honey Sweet, Pipe Dreams, Prairie Clogger, Prairie Princess, Prairie Star, Serendipity and Summer Wind.
Floibundas are bushy shrubs with large, showy blossoms of the hybrid teas, but bloom more freely, setting clusters of three to fifteen blossoms. Floribundas are versatile; an individual shrub will fit easily into a sunny border and in a mass planting.

Hybrid tea roses are tall, long-stemmed roses ideal for cutting, with one flower per stem.
A grandiflora is a cross between a floribunda and a hybrid tea. Grandifloras are 6-feet-tall elegant plants with repeated bloom during the season, and generally feature classic hybrid tea flower clusters.
Shrub and landscape roses are naturally disease resistant and come in all shapes and sizes. Landscape roses grow close to the ground and spread. Varieties include: Knock Out, Starry Night, Day Dream and Lady Elsie May.

Climbing roses have long, arching canes that have to be trained to a trellis or fence.

Miniature roses grow from 6-inches to 2-feet tall. They are hardy and bloom continuously in containers or flower beds.

Tree roses are a hardy root with a long trunk and a rose grafted on top. They are usually grown along a path or as a flower bed feature.

Come to Garden Club today and learn how to prepare the soil, nurture and prune your perfect rose.
Muskogee Garden Club Calendar 2011-12
Sep 15, Mark Stelljes, Roses of Tulsa “A Year in the Life of a Rose”
Oct 20, Karla Groff, Grogg’s Green Barn “Eco Friendly and Organic Gardening”
Nov 17, Jon Stoodley & Oyana Wilson, “Take Care of Your Pruning Tools and Pruning Tips”
Dec 15, Christmas brunch
Jan 19, Member roundtable discussion, “Successes and Problems”
Feb 17, Skip West, Cohlmia’s, “Tropical Plants and Hope for Spring”
March 15, Matthew Weatherbee, Blossom’s Garden Center, “Whet Your Gardening Appetite”
Apr 19, Martha Stoodley, “Sowing Seeds”
May 17, Picnic for members and guests


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