Ecology Blogs by the hundreds

Here are a few of the hundreds of ecology and conservation  blogs on the Internet. I can get lost for hours just clicking on their lists of favorite blogs.

Enjoy browsing - these are just the ones I liked the best.

If you have an ecology blog or a favorite one you browse or subscribe to, please let me/us know its web address. We can never read enough!

- The Prairie Ecologist -
Located between Grand Island and Kearney, Nebraska, The Nature Conservancy’s Platte River Prairies are a chain of grasslands and wetlands that are managed for biological diversity with a combination of prescribed fire and grazing. These prairies are also working laboratories for the development of innovative techniques for grassland management that restore and/or maintain the diversity of life found in high quality grasslands. Most importantly, they are full of life, including birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, invertebrates, and plants. Enjoy the following slide show of photos from the Platte River Prairies - or even better, come see for yourself, and enjoy our public hiking trails.
 - Timberhill Oak Savanna -
Oak Savanna is the term used to describe the mosaic of woodlands and prairie openings in south central Iowa. Before early European settlement it was the transitional zone between the eastern deciduous forest and tall grass prairie. A two-tiered community it consisted of open canopied trees that spread over an herbaceous ground layer of grasses, sedges and wildflowers. There was no woody understory
Before early European settlement thirty million acres of savanna stretched from Minnesota and Wisconsin south to the Texas hill country. Now only .02% remains. The rarest ecosystem in temperate North America it is classified G-1, globally endangered. Decatur County, Iowa has 20,000 acres of highly restorable oak savanna. Timberhill is just one example of what could be done if these acres were managed for oak savanna restoration.
 - Iowa Prairie Network -
The Iowa Prairie Network is a grass-roots, volunteer, non-profit, organization that is dedicated to the preservation of Iowa's prairie heritage. IPN was formed in 1990 by Iowans concerned that our prairie heritage was disappearing. People needed an organization that would bring those that know about prairie together with those that wanted to learn, to form a network of advocacy for Iowa's natural heritage.

 - The Prairie Enthusiasts -
The Prairie Enthusiasts (TPE) is a private organization committed to the protection and management of native prairie and savanna of the Upper Midwest. We have an incorporated, nonprofit status and are a grass roots organization run mainly by volunteers.
The Prairie Enthusiasts differ from other conservation groups in its sole dedication to the preservation of the last remaining pieces of the once vast, now endangered, prairies and savannas of the Upper Midwest through land protection and management.

 - Beetles in the Bush
 - Bur Oak Blog
Celebrating the nature of Iowa and the Midwest with words and images


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