American Takii - new plants for next season

American Takii breeds and selects new plant varieties for the Central and North American markets. Knowing what they have coming out next year will help you select just the right plant for next spring and summer's garden.

I'm already planning for next summer - what to take out, what to replant and what to add. We consumers cannot purchase directly from wholesale companies but we can ask our local nursery to get things in.

Here are a few of the new selections coming from American Takii. The links I've provided will give you the most up to date information available on them!

Chloris truncate 'Flying Stars'

Flowering kale 'Glamour Red'
Burpee has these plants available now.

Gerbera 'Royal Red'
This link will take you to Express Seed where you can see all the 'Royal' Gerbera series colors!

Gomphrena 'Audray White'
Harris Seed has this variety available.

Linaria 'Fantasy Apricot'
All the in depth growing tips are here.

Salvia coccinea 'Summer Jewel Red'
Learn2Grow has tips about this beauty.

Song bird flowering kale series in Pink, Red and White
Seedman is the resource for these.

Violas 'Gem Scarlet', 'Nature Rose Picotee' and 'Floral Power Purple Face'
Ohio State University reported on its success with this viola series.


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