Friends of Honor Heights Park - Jan 09 Newsletter, First Meeting Feb 09, How to Join

Friends of Honor Heights Park is getting started with its first email newsletter and first meeting.

We hope to have a Friends website soon.

Here is the Jan 09 email Newsletter with the February first meeting announcement.
Membership levels are $25 Individual, $35 Family, $100 and above Donor.

Dear Friends of Honor Heights Park,


We now have 27 members and are looking forward to our first meeting on Saturday Feb 28 from 1 to 2:00 at Honor Heights Park in the newly constructed meeting rooms.

After the business meeting on Feb 28, a workshop will be offered from 2:00 to 4:00.

Matthew Weatherbee will demonstrate plant propagation techniques and Martha Stoodley will demonstrate seed starting.

Everyone will go home with cuttings and planted seeds to grow in pots and beds.
The workshop is free for members and $10 for non members.

In order to complete the 501C3 certification process, we need board members and officers. Some people have already indicated a willingness to help with fund raising, writing a Friends Newsletter and being on the board. We hope everyone will be available to attend or will contact one of us to volunteer.

Look over the list of current members below and send a membership form to other friends who may be interested in supporting Honor Heights Park and the building of the Teaching Gardens and Butterfly House.


If you would like to join Friends of Honor Heights Park, send a check to the address below. Be sure to include your email address and telephone number to be notified of upcoming events.

We added a Donor membership level to accommodate those who wanted to contribute $100 and more.

If you already joined at the Individual $25 or Family $35 level and would like to add a contribution to become a Donor, feel free to send a check to

Friends of Honor Heights Park, 4211 High Oaks, Muskogee OK 74401

Call or email one of us if you have suggestions or questions.

Martha Stoodley 918.683.2373
Matthew and Lora Weatherbee 918.682.9276

Sue Beck (no email address)
Johnny & Glenda Broome
Dorothy Fite
Barbara Downs
Larry & Nancy Hoffman
Brad & Mary Hoopes
Bonnie Jennings (no email address)
Saren Kozil
Ted & Susie Lawrence
Weldon & Jerry Marshall (no email address)
Jeri McMahon
Jeff & Karen Mitchell
Judy Payne
Duane & Virginia Pickle
Ben & Marcia Robinson (no email address)
Ronald & Nancy Slauenwhite (no email address)
Ross & Barbara Staggs
Jon & Martha Stoodley
Weldon & Connie Stout
Wren Stratton
Bill & Nancy Warner
Frances Watson
Matthew & Lora Weatherbee
Kim West & Greg Saunders
Anita Whitaker
Jan Wilkerson
Mark & Traci Wilkerson


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