A Few Tidbits

Just a few Sunday night tidbits ---

One tidbit - This blog author http://uncorked.org/medley/ is offering a free hand made gift to the first five people who comment on her blog entry tonight. Click over and see if you can be one of the five.

Next tidbit is this http://theseedsite.co.uk/ website about seed starting. Great information plus photos of 700 seedlings to help you identify your unmarked ones when they come up.

Third is the National Garden Bureau's list of new varieties for 2009 at http://www.ngb.org/gardening/varieties/index.cfm - while you are there, on the left you can click on the All America Selections link. AAS varieties go through rigorous testing at gardens all over the country to earn the AAS distinction.

My seeds are germinating and I'm repotting some already. The broccoli babies are in individual pots. Now, we need some rain and some warmer weather.


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