Classes for Plant Lovers at the Community College

Classes for gardeners at the local junior college can be just what you were looking for to brighten up your garden this spring.

A Residential Landscaping class is being offered this spring at Connors State College, Warner campus.
HORT 2301 W01- This five week course will include the basics in designing your home landscape. Special considerations will be discussed. Basic principles and some dos and don’ts will be included.
The class meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:40 pm on the Warner campus for the following weeks: January 20, 27, February 3, 10, and 17.
Participants need to enroll in the admissions office at any Connors campus. Cost is $85.07 for the entire course. For questions about the class, contact the instructor, Debby Golden at (918) 463-6265. For questions about enrollment, contact the registrar, Sonya Baker at (918) 463-6300.

Seniors 65 or older can apply to have their tuition waived by contacting Lance Allee in the Warner Campus advisement office. His number is (918) 463-6309. A copy of your driver’s license will be required to waive tuition along with completion of a simple one page application.

Beginning Floral Design HORT 2652 W01 and W02 will be offered this semester. The class will highlight basic principles, line designs, arrangement types, basic mechanics of arrangements and flower types. Students will work with live flowers each week and make an arrangement to take home. This is an 8 week course. The class meets on Tuesday evenings from 4:30 p.m. to 6:10 for the lecture and 6:10 – 9:30 for hands on lab for the following weeks: March 10, 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5. In addition to tuition, a lab fee of $96 will cover containers, foam, flowers etc. for all labs.
For students not requiring college credit and/or not interested in the lecture portion of the floral design class may enroll in a one hour credit course HORT 2301 W02 Floral Design Lab only. Tuesday evenings; 6:10-9:30 pm; March 10, 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21, 28 and May 5.
Enrollment can be completed at the Registrar’s office at the Muskogee or Warner campuses. All classes are held at the Warner campus. This is a 2 hour credit class. Cost per credit hour is $85.07.

For questions about the classes, contact the instructor, Debby Golden at (918) 463-6265. For questions about enrollment, contact the registrar, Sonya Baker at (918) 463-6300.

Senior citizens 65 or older can apply to have their tuition waived by contacting Rob Stone in the Warner campus advisement office. His number is (918) 463-6309. A copy of your driver’s license will be required to waive tuition along with completion of a simple one page application.


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