Dicots and Monocots

Monocots and dicots are the two major groups of flowering plants.
Jim Conrad's site, "Backyard Nature Home" explains the difference well.
MONOCOTS or Liliopsida include the grasses, wheat, barley, rice, corn - in fact a fourth of all flowering plants, one source says 199,350 species. Monocot seedlings usually have only one seed leaf or cotyledon when the seed sprouts. Their flowers have three petals or multiples of three petals.
DICOTS or Magnoliopsida
When you plant seeds of dicot plants, the first leaves to emerge will be 2 cotyledons or embryonic leaves. Dicots usually have four or five petaled flowers.
Monocotyledonae ("one cotyledon") and Dicotyledonae ("two cotyledons").
Didn't know this bit about the leaf veins "Leaf veins -- In monocots, there are usually a number of major leaf veins which run parallel the length of the leaf; in dicots, there are usually numerous auxillary veins which reticulate between the major ones. As with the number of floral parts, this character is not always reliable, as there are many monocots with reticulate venation, notably the aroids and Dioscoreales."
Thanks to UC Berkeley for the chart

Embryo with single cotyledon
Embryo with two cotyledons
Pollen with single furrow or pore
Pollen with three furrows or pores
Flower parts in multiples of three
Flower parts in multiples of four or five
Major leaf veins parallel
Major leaf veins reticulated
Stem vascular bundles scattered
Stem vascular bundles in a ring
Roots are adventitious
Roots develop from radicle
And this tidbit "Pines are conifers, and are neither monocots nor dicots. Only flowering plants are considered to be members of these two classes. This question is similar to asking whether a chicken is a monocot or a dicot; it is neither." Never thought to ask it about chickens, myself.
Princeton WordNet provided these examples of Dicots (ckick on any to be taken to the plant)
Acer | Achras | Acokanthera | Adenium | Aesculus | Aldrovanda | Allamanda | Alstonia | Amsonia | Anacardium | Anagallis | Anemopsis | Apocynum | Araujia | Ardisia | Argyreia | Aristolochia | Armeria | Artocarpus | Asarum | Asclepias | asterid dicot genus | Astronium | Banksia | Beaumontia | Bertholletia | Blighia | Boehmeria | Broussonetia | Bryonia | Buddleia | Bumelia | Buxus | Calocarpum | Calystegia | Cannabis | Cardiospermum | Carissa | Carya | caryophylloid dicot genus | Casuarina | Catharanthus | Cecropia | Celastrus | Celtis | Centaurium | Centunculus | Chionanthus | Chloranthus | Chrysophyllum | Citrullus | Clethra | Cliftonia | Colubrina | Combretum | Comptonia | Conocarpus | Conospermum | Convolvulus | Cordia | Cotinus | Cucumis | Cucurbita | Cuscuta | Cyclamen | Cynancum | Cyrilla | Daphne | Darlingtonia | Dichondra | dilleniid dicot genus | Dimocarpus | Dionaea | Diospyros | Dipteronia | Dirca | Dodonaea | Drosera | Drosophyllum | Ecballium | Elaeagnus | Embothrium | Empetrum | Eriogonum | Eucalyptus | Eugenia | Euonymus | Eustoma | Exacum | Fagopyrum | Feijoa | Ficus | Forestiera | Forsythia | Frasera | Fraxinus | Fuchsia | Gelsemium | Gentiana | Gentianella | Gentianopsis | Glaux | Goodenia | Grevillea | Grias | Guevina | Hakea | Halenia | Halesia | hamamelid dicot genus | Hamamelidanthum | Hamamelidoxylon | Hamamelites | Harpullia | Heliamphora | Helxine | Holarrhena | Hottonia | Houttuynia | Hoya | Humulus | Ilex | Ipomoea | Jacquinia | Jambos | Jasminum | Juglans | Knightia | Lagenaria | Lambertia | Laportea | Leitneria | Leucadendron | Ligustrum | Limonium | Litchi | Lobelia | Logania | Lomatia | Luffa | Lysimachia | Lythrum | Macadamia | Maclura | magnoliid dicot genus | Malosma | Mandevilla | Mangifera | Manilkara | Melicoccus | Menyanthes | Momordica | Monardella | Morus | Myrcia | Myrciaria | Myrica | Myriophyllum | Myrsine | Myrtus | Nepenthes | Nephelium | Nerium | Nopalea | Nyssa | Oenothera | Olea | Orites | Osmanthus | Pachysandra | Palaquium | Paliurus | Parietaria | Parthenocissus | Payena | Peperomia | Periploca | Persoonia | Phillyrea | Pilea | Pimenta | Piper | Pipturus | Pistacia | Planera | Plantago | Plumbago | Plumeria | Polygonum | Pomaderris | Pouteria | Primula | Protea | Psidium | Pterocarya | Punica | Rauvolfia | Rhamnus | Rheum | Rhizophora | Rhodosphaera | Rhus | ribbonwood tree | Roridula | rosid dicot genus | Rumex | Sabatia | Salvadora | Samolus | Sapindus | Sarcostemma | Sarracenia | Saururus | Schinus | Spondias | Stapelia | Staphylea | Stenocarpus | Stephanotis | Strophanthus | Styrax | Swertia | Symplocos | Syringa | Syzygium | Tabernaemontana | Telopea | Thevetia | Toxicodendron | Trachelospermum | Trapa | Trema | Ulmus | Urtica | Vinca | Vincetoxicum | Vitis | Xylomelum | Ziziphus
So there you have it!~



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