Anne & Jerry Riordan - Mid-South Hydrangea Society garden tour -

Anne Riordan retired after 37-years as a mail carrier and designed her dream garden in the front, side and back yards of her home. She said she started on the garden in 1996 when she became a master gardener.
In the winter, the outdoor fireplace creates a warm environment for relaxing.
In the Riordan's garden rooms there are espaliered fruit trees, lollipop pruned Lorapetalum, fountains, a compost bin, a putting green, benches, an entertaining spot, garden shed, arbors, herbs, flowers, perennials and annuals.
The outdoor entertaining area was created from a boat storage space by the Riordans.
The sculpture was given to Jerry Riordan for his birthday - from his brother, Joe Anderson.
The metal sculpture is by Joesph Anderson, Walnut Cove, NC

 So much thought and creativity has gone into each garden room! Flowers, fruit, herbs and native plants surround each space.
Each garden room is separated by a planted bed.
Placed throughout the gardens, there are benches, places to stop and smell the flowers.
Several teak benches are placed in the garden.
This garden is filled with joyful views everywhere you look.


Anonymous said…
Sure looks like a nice, peaceful backyard! Those teak benches look like they could use a fresh coating! :]

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