Progress on Tree and Shrub Cuttings

Cuttings taken from cold hardy perennials strike roots in weeks or months after being planted in potting soil, perlite or vermiculite and kept moist. Their containers need drain holes and the plants need a protective top until they strike roots and begin to grow.

Here are some examples from my garden shed which is minimally heated and lighted. The Plums are considered practically impossible to grow from cuttings but I had to try.
Forsythia, of course, is easily rooted to extend a green row with yellow spring flowers.
Fig cuttings are a 50/50 deal for me so I plant more than I need/want.
Lavender is also fairly easy to grow from cuttings. These will be replacement plants.

American Plum Tree cuttings taken three days ago
and planted in a plastic clamshell with a lid

Forsythia shrub cuttings taken in April
have foot-long roots in November

Three Brown Turkey Fig tree/shrub cuttings were taken a few weeks ago

On the left is a Lavender cutting and
on the right is a Salvia cutting.
Both were taken two months ago, struck roots and have moved to the light table in individual pots for growing on.



Anonymous said…
So nice to see you my friend. I also took some cuttings, but this fall. Some made it, and some didn't. We had three trips back to back, and I couldn't keep everything as moist as it should be.

Good tips. HappyThanksgiving.~~Dee
Molly Day said…
Hi Dee -
Thanks! I'm so grateful to be vertical, able to think and connect again. Martha

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