Hawthorn Trees for Beauty and Beast
In the spring, bees and other pollinators swarm the
sweet-smelling flower clusters. In the late fall and early winter, after the
leaves fall, the trees are covered with fruit that looks like tiny red berries.
Soon after the fruit arrives the songbirds arrive to clean off the entire tree
in a day or two.
Not only do Hawthorn trees provide nectar for bees
and berries for birds, the leaves are eaten by the caterpillars of a variety of
moths and many butterflies such as the brush-footed.
The berries, sometimes called haws or mayhaws, are
used to make jelly and wine. In some
Asian cultures the berries are used medicinally.
Historically, Hawthorn species have been used as street
trees and as ornamental trees for small gardens. In the 18th Century
hawthorn saplings were used to establish field boundaries. The wood of the Hawthorn is so hard that it
was used for axe and shovel handles.
Today, hawthorns are popular with wildlife gardeners
and new cultivars have been developed with showy pink or red flowers. Since
they are native trees they are frequently listed as plants for low-water usage
There are 200 named Hawthorn species. They can be
used as a hedge or as a specimen. Most varieties produce suckers than cannot
easily be dug to make new trees. Planting them by seed is also challenging
since the seeds take up to 18-months to germinate.
Here are some varieties to consider adding to your
garden or wildlife landscape –
Crataegus laevigata or English hawthorn, Paul’s
Scarlet, has double, dark pink flowers.
Crataegus mordenensis cultivars are compact, round
and almost thornless. The flowers are white to pink and the fruit is a red-pink
sphere. Snowbird has double white flowers.
Crataegus nitida, or Glossy hawthorn, is a dense, essentially
thornless, tree with leaves that turn orange and red in the fall. The flowers
are in clusters and the fruit is a dull red color. They are native from Ohio to
Several varieties are native to Oklahoma, including
Barberry hawthorn, Kansas hawthorn, Cockspur hawthorn, Parsley hawthorn, Downy
hawthorn, Frosted hawthorn, Dotted hawthorn, Reverchon hawthorn, Littlehip
hawthorn, and Green hawthorn.
Barberry hawthorn, Crataegus berberifolia, grows to
20-feet tall. The white flowers have pink or yellow stamens.
Kansas hawthorn, Crataegus coccinioides or redhaw
tree, matures at 15-feet tall and has many thorns (good for a wildlife hedge).
The flowers are white and the stamens are red-pink.
Downy hawthorn, Crataegus mollis, is a 20-foot tall
tree that is nearly thornless and often used as an ornamental tree. Common to
the moist soil along streams, it grows into the largest of the native
varieties. It is prized for its ornamental flowers, colorful fall leaves and
scarlet fruit.
Littlehip hawthorn, Crataegus spathulata, is easy to
recognize because its leaves are shaped like the bowl of a spoon. The flowers
and fruit are small. This tree is native to TX. AL and FL indicating that it
can take more heat than some other varieties.
Other cultivated varieties include Cockspur hawthorn
that has curved thorns, lots of flowers, and long-lasting red fruit. One
variety of this tree, inermis, is thornless and drought resistant.
Crataegus lavallei Carrierei is thorny but has red
fall color, an abundance of white flowers and orange-red fruit in the fall that
resemble crab-apples.
Crataegus viridis Winter King matures at 40-feet
tall with few thorns, white flowers, red autumn leaves and red fruit in the
Consider a hawthorn for your next tree purchase.