Seed Sources - the 2015 list

If you have a warm, well-lighted place for seedlings, Jan-Feb is perennial seed starting time and Feb-Mar is annual seed starting time. In our area, there are only a few stores with seeds in Jan. so catalogs and internet sites are our best bet for planning, dreaming and ordering.

Whether you need chickens, coops, deer fencing, seeds, tubers, plants, containers or fertilizer, there are plenty of companies to choose from.  It seems that new vendors pop up on Amazon and EBAY every week.

Here are some tips before you shop: Look for open pollinated varieties if you want to avoid GMOs. Disease and insect resistant hybrid varieties are widely available from larger companies. If you see something at a new site, search for other sites that may sell the same item but have been in business longer.

Always click through to see shipping and handling fees because they vary widely from one vendor to another. Most seed sellers offer an online newsletter, publish a blog, or email information about sales to subscribers.

These resources have been verified

Alpine Seeds, (rock gardens)
Amishland Heirloom Seeds, (interesting beans)

Artistic Gardens,, 802-748-1446 (40-cent packs)

Baker Creek,, 417-924-8917

Botanical Interest,, 877-821-4340

Bountiful Gardens,, 707-459-6410 (heirloom, untreated and O-P)

Burpee,, 800-888-1447 (supplies, seeds). Owns Cook’s Garden seeds,

Chiltern Seeds, (English garden)

Diane’s Flower Seeds,

Dixondale Farms, (Intermediate day onion sets)

Eden Brothers, (non-GMO seeds by the pound)

Evergreen Seeds, (350-Asian vegetables)

Ethnobotanical Catalog of Seeds, (unique, hard to find)

Fedco Coop seeds and Moose Tubers,, 207-873-7333 (discounts now)

Fruition Seeds,, (organic, non-GMO)

Garden Medicinals and Culinaries,, 540-872-8351 (herbs)

Gourmet Seed International,, 575-398-6111. Same as Italian Cook’s Seed and Italian Seed and Tool

Granny’s Heirloom Seeds, Bolivar, MO, (homesteading)

Hazzards Seeds, (8,500 varieties)

High Mowing organic seeds,, 888-735-4454 (free shipping)

Hometown Seeds,, 888-433-3106 (wildflowers)

Jelitto Perennials, (unique German perennials)

Johnny’s Selected Seeds,, 877-564-6697 (tools, seeds)

Kitazawa Seed,, 510-595-1188 (Asian vegetables, Safe Seeds)

Native Seeds, (arid-adapted vegetables)

Nichols Garden Nursery,, 800-422-3985 (seeds, sourdough making)

Onalee Seeds, (shop by season, color & sun-shade)

Park Seeds,, 800-845-3369 (seeds, plants, trees, fruit, supplies). Park also owns DollarSeedStore, Park’s Gardens, Jackson & Perkins & Wayside Gardens

Pine Ridge Gardens,, 479-293-4359 (native & pollinator plants)

Pinetree Garden Seeds,, 207-926-3400 (seeds, dried herbs & cosmetic making supplies)

Renee’s Garden Seeds, . Also owns Cornucopia Garden Seeds (less variety than Renne’s but value-priced seeds $1.79 to $1.99)

Richter’s Herbs Canada,, 800-668-4372 (“Wholesale for Everyone” pricing on individual plants and plug trays)

Sample Seed Shop., 716-871-1137 (small packets $1.25)

Sand Hill Preservation Center,, 563- 246-2299 (heirloom seeds and unique chickens)

SandMountain Herbs, (herbs, medicinals) owns (herb plant roots ready to plant)

Seed Savers Exchange,, 563-382-5990 (Non-profit, untreated seeds)

Seeds from Italy,, 785-748-0959 (tools, soaps, generous seed packs)

Seeds of Change,, 888-762-7333 (organic supplies, seeds)

Select Seeds, &, 800-684-0395 (seeds, plants, antique and cottage garden)

Sky Fire Garden, (heirlooms, $2 packs, personalized seed packs for events)

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange,, 540-894-9480 (993-vegetable listings, non-GMO, organic)

Territorial Seed,, 800-626-0866 (seeds, grafted vegetable plants, supplies)

Thompson and Morgan,, 800-274-7333.  (New varieties, flowers, vegetables, trees)

Thyme Garden Herb Co.,, 541-487-8671 (650 seed varieties for organic herb, flower, ground covers)

Tomato Bob Heirloom Tomatoes, owns & (hundreds of varieties)

Vermont Bean Seed Co,, 800-349-1071 (vegetable seeds, plants)

Whatcom Seed Co,, (palms, bonsai, cycads)
Wild Things Nursery,  (OK native plants)

White Harvest Seed,, 866-424-3185 (heirlooms)


Anna said…
Thanks for posting this list! I just received my Burpee catalog in the mail today, so finding this list just added to my gardening joy on this day. I've got about 25 different packets of perennial seeds that I'm trying out this year, so I doubt that I'll be buying any more in the near future, but it's nice to know where to go if I do want something else. Thanks again.

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