Plant Spring Bulbs Now in Pots or Plots
Nothing says spring like a pot or plot of tulips,
daffodils, crocus and hyacinths. They are in the stores now because spring
blooming bulbs are planted in the fall. Plenty of sun and good drainage are all
they need.
Though they have been grown in Holland since 1590, tulips
came from the near east originally. Because of their formal appearance, tulips
look great in rigid beds in lines of color.
Purple, yellow, red and parrot tulips can be blended
together or planted in banks/stripes of color. Plant early, mid-season and late
blooming varieties in separate groups so you have flowering blocks of blooms
rather than blotches.
While most hybrid tulips are annuals here, the
small, non-hybrid (called species), tulips may return. Look for these Species
tulips: bakeri, clusiana, kaufmanniana, saxatilis, sylvestris, tarda and
Daffseek (, sponsored by the American
Daffodil Society, is maintained by Nancy Tackett and Ben Blake. At the site,
any daffodil name can be entered in order to get the details of its height,
bloom time (early season (E), mid-season (M) or late season (L), and flower
Minor bulbs are ideal to plant in beds and to naturalize
under trees and around shrubs. Because they have short leaves and tiny flowers,
plant at least 25 or they will not be visible.
Minor bulbs include Chionodoxa, snowdrops, grape hyacinth
(muscari), squill, crocus, anemone, fritillaria, Iris reticulata and species
Snowdrops (Galanthus) are planted 3-inches deep and
apart. Chiondoxa, Muscari and Scilla will colonize, re-seeding to fill a bed.
Chionodoxa can have up to 10 flowers per stem.
Species crocus such as Crocus chrysanthus, flavus,
Sieberi, and angustifolius bloom early. Tomasinianus (Tommie) Ruby Giant can
naturalize, perhaps because the squirrels do not prefer them. Crocus vernus
Negro Boy is a durable historic variety.
Crocus bulbs naturalize best in part-shade and in
thin lawns where the soil is not treated with chemicals of any kind.
Grape hyacinths (muscari) vary from 6 to 12 inches
tall and their white, blue, or violet flowers always edge a bulb garden nicely.
Hyacinths are favored for their scent. Spanish
Bluebells, Hyacinthoides hispanica Excelsior, are critter resistant.
If the local stores do not have the bulbs and advice
you are looking for, here are a few of the dozens of companies where you can
shop -
Single and double tulips, Green Pearl Daffodil, Ornithogalum, hyacinths, muscari, etc. Check out the Deals link – 120 tulips or daffodils $67, 80 windflowers (anemone) $27.
Single and double tulips, Green Pearl Daffodil, Ornithogalum, hyacinths, muscari, etc. Check out the Deals link – 120 tulips or daffodils $67, 80 windflowers (anemone) $27.
Brent and Becky’s Bulbs,,
Known for good quality bulbs. The online catalog has plant descriptions, suggested companion plants that bloom at the same time, planting tips and whether the flower is deer resistant.
Known for good quality bulbs. The online catalog has plant descriptions, suggested companion plants that bloom at the same time, planting tips and whether the flower is deer resistant.
Mitsch Daffodils,,
Garden and exhibition daffodil bulbs with many new hybrids and introductions including mineatures, standards, tazettas, pendants, scented, etc.
Garden and exhibition daffodil bulbs with many new hybrids and introductions including mineatures, standards, tazettas, pendants, scented, etc.
Old House Gardens,,
Heirloom bulbs that thrive in southern gardens, including fragrant, double, large cup, trumpet, and wild daffodils plus species, single, parrot and double tulips.
Heirloom bulbs that thrive in southern gardens, including fragrant, double, large cup, trumpet, and wild daffodils plus species, single, parrot and double tulips.
Southern Bulbs,,
Bulbs for the south, including: Species tulips, spider lilies, Spanish bluebells and others.
Bulbs for the south, including: Species tulips, spider lilies, Spanish bluebells and others.
Touch of Nature,,
Bulbs for gardens and large projects. Selections: Alliums, anemones, chiondoxa, hyacinths, crocus, daffodils, tulips, etc. They offer Bushels of Bulbs for large plantings, fundraising and collections.
Bulbs for gardens and large projects. Selections: Alliums, anemones, chiondoxa, hyacinths, crocus, daffodils, tulips, etc. They offer Bushels of Bulbs for large plantings, fundraising and collections.