Myriad Botanical Gardens - Children Welcome!

There are several places where children can play at Myriad Botanical Gardens, including the seasonal splash pad/ice rink, the plazas, duck feeding pondsand meadows. But probably the most popular places are the Children's Garden and the Children's Fountain.

The garden and fountain attract dozens of families daily.

Children's Fountain

The arbor entrance to the Children's Garden is where the fun begins.

The Family Classroom offers workshops such as how to make a Fairy Home, Solar Cooking and a Scavenger Hunt.

Storytime in the garden happens on Wed and Fro at 10.

The soft-surface play areas are open daily from 9 - 6.

The demonstration veggie garden includes educational information on composting, child-height raised beds and places to sit and admire the gardens.

 The 6-acre Children's Garden also has a hedge maze, story tree, a climbing play area for toddlers and berm and rock climbing. The living pool is a peaceful place to watch water.


Nice post. Your garden seems to make a great place for the kids to spend and learn something.

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