Sunday Tidbits and Links

In Terrebonne Parish, LA, the BP oil spill is producing a silver lining of sorts. reported in an article today that if it had not been for the oil spill and subsequent clean up, BP would not be paying to have archaeologists and scientists research pre-historic Indian finds.

In the 100 sites of buried pre-historic Indian settlements, researchers have found 1300 year old bones, pottery and weapons. The evidence indicates that the now sandy area was a deer and elk filled woods.
Full article here.
Fritillary Butterfly identification matrix at Buterfly Conservation dot org

The Journal of Weed Science reported that the over use of herbicides is resulting in herbicide resistant weeds. Reported in Newswise.

"At least 21 weed species have now developed resistance to glyphosate, a systemic herbicide that has been effectively used to kill weeds and can be found in many commercial products. Some weeds are now developing resistance to alternative herbicides being used"

By the way, the Weed Science Society of America sends out a really interesting email newsletter. If you are as interested as I am, click over
the WSSA website.

Another of my favorite regular emails come from the Yale University Marsh Botanical Garden. The newsletter, called "Liquid Sunshine and Plant of the Week" are the botanical and creative product of
Eric Larsen the Manger of Marsh Botanical Garden. Larsen is smart enough to have a sense of humor and really knows his botany.

This week's plant is Trumpet Vine (Campsis raidcans), about which Larsen said, "As for culture, I will quote Michael Dirr one more time: “If you cannot grow this, give up gardening.”

At the end of this week's newsletter, Larsen wrote, "Liquid Sunshine and Plant of the Week are not protected in any way, so if you can’t think of anything better to plagiarize, be my guest. It would be nice to hear from you though. Tell me how your garden grows, what’s new with the kids, the grand kids, the job or lack thereof. The views and opinions expressed within are in no way reflective of or endorsed by Yale University, Marsh Botanical Garden or any of the therapists that I may (or may not) have visited over my tortured adulthood."
And, another email subscription you'll love is Daniel Mosquin's Botany Photo of the Day from UBC in CA.
Plant lovers and botanists from around the world contribute a favorite plant photo and description for each issue. Every single issue is worth a click and the comments are often as interesting as the post.
It is easy to subscribe and they ask no probing questions. Just provide an email addy.

Our water bill in this record heat and drought was $350 this month. We have already made decisions about letting some plants die and will have to make more tough choices in the months ahead.

How are you coping?


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