Great Possibilities for Boggy Spots

Blogger still will not allow photos to be posted, so we shall have another words only post. Sorry about that. So many pretty things to show at this time of year, too.

I was asked this week about plants for boggy places. The situation is a pond that leaks, leaving the area wet 12-months a year. The owners have no intention of re-constructing the pond. They already have pussy willows and willow trees.

What would look wonderful and can take wet feet?

One of the perennial flowers I love is Texas Red Star Hibiscus, Hibiscus coccineus. It enjoys swampy places, grows 4 feet tall and spreads to 3 feet wide. Click here to see a photo of the flower. (Mine bloomed the first year from seed.)

Virginia Sweetspire, Itea virginica, is a great shrub for wet places. Grows 4 feet wide and tall, has fragrant white flowers in the spring and gorgeous fall color. Over time, it will sucker to cover yards of ground. In the winter the red stems are an asset. Click here to see a photo.

Hardy water canna, Thalia dealbata, is a possible choice for the water's edge. Grows over 6 feet tall. The leaves look like canna lily leaves and the flowers are blue. Click here to learn more.

Little quaking grass, Briza minor could be planted with seeds to stabilize the soil. Plants Database has information on this Oklahoma native. Click here for photos and data. Seedman has several varieties of Briza to choose from.

Other of my choices would be: Joe Pye Weed, Sweet Flag, Monarda Bee Balm, Ferns (many choices), Swamp sunflower Helianthus angustifolium. I've started all these from seed successfully.

Trees for wet spots: Bald Cypress and Black Gum, Swamp white oak Quercus bicolor, Sweet bay Magnolia virginiana

Shrubs for wet places: Possumhaw Viburnum Viburnum nudum, Red chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia, Redtwig dogwood Cornus stolonifera, Spicebush Lindera benzoin

Readers? Other suggestions? Seeds? Plant sources?


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