Garden Writers Assn, Plant A Row
Rain Rain Go Away; Come Again Some Other Day
This rain is a ridiculous abundance. Many of the squash plants are yellowing from the lack of sun. They all got a snack-size portion of Earth Smart composted chicken manure to help them out.
The blackberries bushes are loaded but can't ripen. The six ripe ones yesterday had little flavor.
I was out for an hour this morning pulling weeds but had to come in when I was drenched and dripping wet.
Duke Blueberry, at KSU
The Region V Garden Writers Assn meeting in Kansas City was a feast for plant lovers. Many of the attendees seemed to be long-time friends. For us, it was a new experience, new friends, wonderful public gardens, two garden centers and Kansas State University
All American Selection Trial Grounds.
Ouchita Blackberry at KSU
The national GWA started Plant a Row for the Hungry in 1995 to help meet the needs of the homeless and other citizens who don't have access to fresh food.
In Muskogee, Doug Walton at the Farmer's Market and Wren Stratton's Mayor's Task Force on Homelessness are working to jump start a food sharing program. The health benefits of fresh produce cannot be overestimated.
This rain is a ridiculous abundance. Many of the squash plants are yellowing from the lack of sun. They all got a snack-size portion of Earth Smart composted chicken manure to help them out.
The blackberries bushes are loaded but can't ripen. The six ripe ones yesterday had little flavor.
I was out for an hour this morning pulling weeds but had to come in when I was drenched and dripping wet.
The Region V Garden Writers Assn meeting in Kansas City was a feast for plant lovers. Many of the attendees seemed to be long-time friends. For us, it was a new experience, new friends, wonderful public gardens, two garden centers and Kansas State University
Ouchita Blackberry at KSU
The national GWA started Plant a Row for the Hungry in 1995 to help meet the needs of the homeless and other citizens who don't have access to fresh food.
Heritage Raspberry at KSU
If you have something extra to share out of a bumper crop, drop it off on Saturday mornings in front of the Muskogee Civic Center (4th and Okmulgee). Look for a "Plant A Row" banner. (Doug Walton 918.686.6939 or 918.360.2012 cell)
Donations will be distributed in rotation to Ark of Faith, Community Action Nutrition Center, Gospel Rescue Mission, Monarch Community Living Center, Salvation Army and WISH (Women in Safe Homes).