Wall-O-Water, Geography and Lettuce
By the way, on one of my Internet browsing trips, I read the results of some research department that said Wall-O-Water works well for tomatoes but not so well for other vegetables you might think to start early in them. The researchers tried cucumbers and nixed the results.
Behind the Wall-O-Waters -125 heads of garlic that are forming - planted last October using methods of the Tulsa Tomato Man who has been relentlessly generous with garlic-growing advice over the past two years.
On another note, The Association of American Geographers is meeting in San Francisco for an annual convention. "Geography, the science of place, is an integrating discipline and is a pivotal study element in all the natural sciences."
The 80-session titles include some tantalizing topics including: Every Day is Earth Day at USGS, Effects of Sea Level Rise on Population, Global Land Change Detection Using Remote Sensing and Biogeography: Vegetation Mapping. Wish I could rent a movie of it.
Back to garden talk - Renee's Seeds just released a good article on planting and growing lettuce, called "It's Lettuce Time". Here are some highlights -
There are 3-types of head lettuce: Romaine, Batavian and Butterhead. Romaine we know from Caesar salads and lettuce wraps. Batavians are not available in the grocery, you have to grow them at home. They resist bolting in the heat though so may be worth a try. The Butterhead widely distributed in plastic boxes at the supermarket is only one of the many choices available.
Check out the seed types available and the planting tips, too, at Renee's Articles (click for the link).