Tulsa Herb Society Tour
We love garden tours, don't we? Where else can you get so many great ideas that use plants local to your area? I just wish there were more of them so I could see the back yards of homes I drive by and admire from the front.
The Tulsa Herb Society garden tour was held on a a rainy day last week. I couldn't get there in time to see the first garden but made it to two wonderful ones anyway.
In the photo above, the gardener protected seedlings from bird damage by putting a bird cage on top of them. So clever.
Here the gardener used a hypertoufa container to make a miniature garden complete with angel, swing, arbor, fence, wheelbarrow, etc. Whimsical.
It was pouring when I took these snaps - camera under the umbrella no less. Anyway, no one could identify the beautiful burgundy flower in the center. Any guesses?
I loved this gardener's method of cheering up a solid wood fence: Add nature at play.
Have you ever had your home on a garden tour? Do you have any advice for gardeners who are planning to do so?

In the photo above, the gardener protected seedlings from bird damage by putting a bird cage on top of them. So clever.

Have you ever had your home on a garden tour? Do you have any advice for gardeners who are planning to do so?