Muskogee Garden Tour June 13 - The Wildman's Home
Saturday June 13 is the Muskogee Garden Club's Garden Tour. The tour is held every two years as the club's primary fund raiser. Tickets are only $5.00 but the turnout is usually great.
One of the 7 homes on the tour is owned by Gary and Mary Wildman. The Wildmans bought 8-acres a few years ago and made it into a terrific retreat for their family of three children and nine grandchildren.
This is a photo of the building on the left side of the driveway. Mary has landscaped and planted a lovely bed of perennials and annuals in front of it.
As you walk down the sidewalk between the house and the garage, the first garden is Gary's Azalea bed with a statue of Athena.
At the back of the house, a dozen hydrangeas are in full bloom. Annuals and perennials have been planted in the bed to cover it as summer progresses.
One of the 7 homes on the tour is owned by Gary and Mary Wildman. The Wildmans bought 8-acres a few years ago and made it into a terrific retreat for their family of three children and nine grandchildren.
This is a photo of the building on the left side of the driveway. Mary has landscaped and planted a lovely bed of perennials and annuals in front of it.

One of the lovely features the Wildmans put in is this waterfall and koi pond. There are large pots of flowers and perennials, as well as a willow tree in and on the water.
This is a view from the pond to the back of the house.
You'll have to come on the tour to see the vegetable garden as well as the other beautifully designed features the Wildmans have put in.

It's a gardeners dream spot.