Seeds to Start in Feb

Move away from the window and glass doors, all your tender house plants and plants you are over-wintering inside. The leaves will be badly damaged by the weather ahead.

In spite of that forecast, planting time is coming. The temperatures will warm and the ground will thaw and drain.

Here are the seeds to have ready for February according to OSU Fact Sheet HLA-6004. Click to read the entire list.

Cabbage Feb. 15 to March 10
Carrot Feb. 15 to March 10
Cauliflower Feb. 15 to March 10
Chard, Swiss Feb. 15 to March 10
Kohlrabi Feb. 15 to March 10
Lettuce, Head Feb. 15 to March 10
Lettuce, Leaf Feb. 15 to March 10
Onion Feb. 15 to March 10
Peas, Green Feb. 15 to March 10
Potato, Irish Feb. 15 to March 10
Spinach Feb. 15 to March 10
Turnip Feb. 15 to March 10

Click here to read Sue Gray talk about vegetable gardening on the Tulsa Master Gardeners site.

Then, here is Gray's Fact Sheet HLA-6033 on raised bed gardening.

Sue will be one of the speakers in Muskogee, Sat., Jan 30. The free event is sponsored by Muskogee City Wellness Initiative. 9 to 12:30, St. Paul's Methodist Church, near 24th and Okmulgee/Broadway Streets.

Spring blooming flowers can be sown in Feb, too. I'll be putting out Larkspur seeds. The last box of daffodil bulbs still have to go in ... as soon as the ground thaws!


Unknown said…
Have you heard of Seeds Trust out of Northern AZ? provides all kinds of interesting tips for gardeners, including concise information detailing seed saving and various planting info! Enjoy the coming planting season!
Molly Day said…
Hi Emily -
No I have not heard of Seeds Trust.
Seed Savers Exchange gets all the press on that topic.
I'll check it out though.

Thanks for the tip!

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