Flower Garden and Nature Society of Northwest Arkansas

Although it is amost a two-hour drive and they begin at 9:30 on Saturday mornings, we are members who occasionally attend the Flower, Garden and Nature Society of Northwest Arkansas.

Meetings are usually held at the Student Center of NWAR Technical Institute, 709 S. Old Missouri Rd in Springdale, Arkansas.

The reason we crank it up to go despite the early exit and long drive, is that their programs are so good.

SOCIAL 9:30 SPEAKER 10 a.m.

Publicity Chair, Lynn Rogers can be reached for more information at 479-521-9090 H. 479-841-8759 C.

The lineup for the club's year ahead

January 16 Round-table discussion, bring favorite garden tool for show and tell.

February 20 Jeb Leggett, Custom Landscape and Nursery, Mt. Vernon, AR
Unusual landscape trees and shrubs

March 20 Tony Avent, owner Plant Delights Nursery, Raleigh, North Carolina, Exploration to Exploitation

April 17 Berni Kurz, Washington County Extension Agent,
Care and Maintenance of Water Gardens

May 15 Ricky Corder, entomologist, UA Cooperative Extension,
Solitary Bees and Syrphid Flies As Pollinators

June 5 Through the Garden Gate tour at selected NWAR gardens

July 17 Joyce Mendenhall, Washington County Master Gardener,
Scenes of Monet's Garden in Giverny

August 21 Renee Reed, garden writer and owner of Reed's Designs
Landscaping, Herbs: Their Folklore and What to do with Them

September 18 Fred Spiegal, UA Professor of Mycology,
What is that Fungus?

October 16 Lynn Rogers, Tree Identification Workshop

November 20 Steve Marak, Botanical Latin

Social time begins at 9:30 with the programs starting around 10:00 a.m. Contact: Lynn Rogers, 479-841-8759. Meet in Student Center of NWAR Technical Institute, Ford Av. and Old Missouri Rd., Springdale, AR.


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