Cool Bananas + Royal Horticultural Society Plant Bulletins
Stokes Tropicals sends out a periodic email with new plants available. Some of their offerings are on sale.
These cool bananas are only two of an entire page of wild looking banana plants they have. Take a look at them here.
Did you know about the Royal Horticultural Society's Plant Bulletins? I found the link today while researching next week's garden column.
The bulletins are compiled by the scientific and horticultural staff at Wisley, with advice and assistance from our Plant Committees."
While you are on the RHS site, click over to their Plant of the Month link, here. It's a well researched list of desirable plant selections.

Here's the introduction "The results of major trials are now being produced in full colour bulletins. They include full descriptions of the Award of Garden Merit plants, comprehensively illustrated. Background botanical and cultivation information is also included as are useful selection tables, comparing the different entries in the trial.
The bulletins are compiled by the scientific and horticultural staff at Wisley, with advice and assistance from our Plant Committees."
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For example, the Bulletin on Runner Beans covers 48 varieties, Herbaceous Sedums covers 90 varieties, and the Perennial Yellow Daisy Bulletin covers 36 of them. It's a terrific free resource for all of us to enjoy and learn from.
For the Perennial Yellow Daisy trials, 282 entries were sent in by 52 companies. There are photos of the trials field, each plant and a summary of the winners. Quite a resource for plant lovers.
While you are on the RHS site, click over to their Plant of the Month link, here. It's a well researched list of desirable plant selections.