What to Plant Now for Summer

The weather has given the go-ahead signal for planting.
Oklahoma State University Fact Sheet HLA6004 is a planning guide that has all the information you need to get it straight.
Vegetables to plant now from seed include: Cucumber, green beans, peppers, eggplant and okra.
Tulsa Master Gardeners is the place to go for tips and timing on planting herbs. Most herbs need the heat we are just now getting. If you haven't started the seeds indoors yet, they can be planted outside.
Then, for flowers, Renee's Garden Seeds has a chart that's handy.
Direct sow in the garden when night time temperatures are 50 and above (like now): Alyssum, cornflowers, nigella, stock, calendula, etc.
Start indoors: Asclepias, calendula, columbine, grasses, heliotrope, hollyhock, pansies, phlox, zinnias, etc.
I've started so many seeds you can't walk in the shed tonight. We had to bring in everything because dangerous thunderstorms were predicted.
The castor beans are getting their true leaves, as are the asclepias, gourds, peppers and nicotiana.
Nicotiana is so tiny and shallow rooted. I don't know how you get it out of pots and into the ground. I'll have to research its moisture needs, too.
More lettuce and spinach plants went into the ground today, the broccoli is forming edible heads, we are eating radishes and lettuce.
What's growing where you are?