In the Potting Shed

A rainy cold day like today is perfect for spending several hours in the shed. I had the camera out there to take a few photos. When I looked up from planting, a robin was in the apple tree outside the window.


This photo of the potting shed was taken last week but it gives you an idea what we are up to - we are up to our eyeballs in baby plants that we hope will succeed! One of the re-potting pleasures was taking Bishop's Lace seedlings out of their starter pots and moving them to 1-inch cell trays.
The seeds (and the photo shown here) were from Renee's Garden Seeds.
BISHOP'S LACE I used seed starting mix and sprinkled the seeds on 4-inch pots. Out of that one pack of seeds, I transplanted 125 seedlings today. Every seed must have germinated. For the most part that is the experience I have had with Renee's seeds: terrific germination.

Rest assured, I can kill the plants after they come up so I still have a mediocre live plant rate. But the seeds are reliable.
Renee is having a spring sale giving ten percent off all orders. Here is a link to check out what she has.
The sale is good until April 23. Enter this coupon code at checkout: DSC57.


A question came up about the worm hotel that my husband designed and built for raising red wrigglers. You can see that he used Dollar Store plastic storage containers. There is a square hole cut out of the middle of each tub except the bottom one which has drainage holes drilled in it. I've stopped feeding in the bottom tub. Now food goes in the top three bins to get the worms to move up. Are they smart enough to move toward the food? Evidently they are because I found a few in the top bin yesterday.


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