Vermicompost Worm Give Away April 19 for Earth Day

I thought you would enjoy an update on the whole composting with red wrigglers idea.

Now we have two compost worm structures going at our house. The tower of worms is outside protected by the shade of a couple of trees. The bin of worms that I'm growing for the great worm kit giveaway for Earth Day is safely tucked inside the garage.

Every day I check them, look for them, feed them, give them fresh newspaper shreds, fresh veggie and fruit scraps from the kitchen. Tonight a friend contributed some well rotted scraps for them.

For Earth Day, I bought 200 plastic cups. They are 32 ounce opaque with a large enough bottom to be stable.

In each cup I'll put used coffee grounds, compliments of our local Starbuck's.

Then, since they will be given to kiddies, I'll put food in the cups. Probably oatmeal and cornmeal for the giveaway. Then a worm goes into the cup.

Each new worm home will be topped off with crushed leaves and damp shredded paper.

Thanks to Vista Print I was able to have 200 cards printed with cute pictures and complete directions for taking care of the worms. The directions include feeding, keeping them moist and checking them periodically to see how they are doing.

Muskogee Farmer's Market is financially sponsoring the compost worm kit giveaway. We are happily doing the raising of the worms. The Junior Master Gardeners from Whittier Elementary School are going to attend the Earth Day celebration to tell other kids how cool it is to raise worms using leftover food. Should be great fun for everyone.

Thanks to a Google alert, I have been able to read about the hundreds of other people who are vermicomposting. There are a lot of us! Maybe there will be a national compost worm day in our future.


Anonymous said…
This is fantastic, Molly! I'm so glad local businesses got on board. And what a great idea--a national worm composting day. Let's hope soembody's listening!
Molly Day said…
Hi Ben -
This is a pretty cool small town in some ways.
The Farmer's Market is a terrific resource for growers and eaters who like fresh local produce.

Since red wriggler worms like spring best, National Worm Composting Day should be sometime in spring, don't you think?

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