Frozen Vegetables

This morning at sunrise the frost on the mustard and lettuce was quite beautiful.
Fortunately, it warmed up enough that we could put all the flats of seedlings outside to sunbathe. Since it is the last freezing night of the season, we uncovered the perennials, raked leaf mulch, pulled weeds, planted lettuce and generally celebrated the coming of warm weather.

In the shade garden, native phlox and bluebells are blooming. They were just planted last year so it isn't a great big splash but it still takes away the winter blahs.
Tulips are still bursting with color despite the frosty night last night. And, the daisies my friend Susie gave me last fall are in full bud. I'm eager to see what they are like in bloom.
Ready, set, go get ready to plant!


The Diva said…
I lost a couple of things I didn't cover. Oh well. That's spring in Oklahoma. I don't know about you, but I've been working so hard in the garden that I'm exhausted.~~Dee
Molly Day said…
We are putting in 8-hours every day - both of us!
The garden looks good but we look like dirty dogs by 4:00. You know, those dogs that like to run in muddy creeks.
Lots of plants were frosted by the freeze. Mostly new growth on shrubs, iris flower buds, and a few others were hit.

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