Garden Tour, Vacation Planning, Garden Info on the Net

Sorry - no photos tonight - Blogger won't take any uploads - probably the lightening, rain, etc.

If you are in Tulsa June 7 and 8, don't miss an opportunity to go to the Audubon Habitat Garden Tour. Six gardens, $5.00 - Information: 918-521-8894.

So, here's a question for you: What will you do about your garden when you go on vacation this summer?
Do you hire someone to come water? What about deadheading, harvesting vegetables, watching for insect infestations, etc.?

J. L. Hudson Seeds issued a catalog update with new offerings. So far, I've had good luck with their seeds this spring. Let me know what your experience has been.

The American Society of Landscape Architects publishes an interesting newsletter online. This week they talked about Earth Day and linked to a great green blog called
Two Steps Forward written by Joel Makower. Makower writes about sustainable business, clean technology and green marketplace.

What's going on in your garden?


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