Topricin works for me

I'm sure the Topricin people think I've forgotten them but really, I'm slow to recommend products.

The rep, Renee Hewitt, generously sent me a box of samples of their products in May. I distributed them to all my fellow yoga students, everyone in Muskogee Garden Club and others I thought could benefit from the creams.

Of course I don't have any feedback from them but went on to try the products myself.

Like most of you, I do a lot every day and much of it is physical and other than yoga, my body gets little slow down time.

I've used the Foot Therapy Cream and the Pain Relief and Healing Cream several times. Last week I put it to the test when I hurt like crazy. All I did was apply it before bed. I took no pain relieving pills. In the morning the pain was gone. Completely.

Your results may/will vary. But if you have gardener pain in hands and feet, I can tell you that it works for me.

The literature recommends Topricin for these conditions: Arthritis, carpal tunnel, joint pain, fibromyalgia, inflamation, muscle pain, headache, neuropathy, repetitive motion aches, etc.

The creams are non-chemical homeopathic formulations. Here's a summary from a review online

Topricin does not contain petroleum, mineral oil, lanolin, menthol, capsaicin, fragrances, or irritating chemicals. The cream is odorless, non-greasy, and will not stain your clothing. Topricin's hypoallergenic base is formulated for maximum absorption of its eleven medicines:

Arnica Montana For injuries and bruising to the muscles and joints. Arnica is considered especially useful for arthritis, joint injuries, and bruising (6X)
Rhus Tox For sprains, arthritic pain, and backaches (6X)
Ruta Graveolens For relief from injuries to the bone or bone covering; often used to relieve trauma to the knee, shin, elbow and cheekbone (6X)
Lachesis Muta For relief from sciatica, arthritis, lower back pain and carpal tunnel (8X)
Belladonna Relief of pain, spasm & inflammation to muscle tissue (6X)
Echinacea Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial (6X)
Crotalus For improving localized circulation, and considered effective for bruises and contusions, and for accelerating repair to damaged nerves, joints, and muscles (8X)
Aesculus For chronic pain, especially in the legs & varicose veins. (6X)
Heloderma For relief from burning sensation in the hands or feet. (8X)
Naja Relieves inflammation and pain in nerve tissue in the treatment of Carpal Tunnel and neuropathy (8X)
Graphites For relieving symptoms of skin conditions (6X)

I've used Arnica for years and have recommended it to others for bruising, injuries, aches and pains. Now I'll also look for Topricin products to keep in my toolkit for pain relief.


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