Photos of wild
Hardy Hibiscus growing on Highway 69 south of Muskogee arrived via email from Andy Qualls of the Oklahoma Conservation District.
Hardy Hibiscus,
Hibiscus Moscheutos, is also called Swamp Mallow and Rose Mallow.

"The Hardy hibiscus on the wetland on US 69 is just now beginning to bloom and will bloom more heavily over the next few weeks. The flowers only last one day but each morning a new crop of flowers blooms. Those have large flowers (about 4") and are mixed colors from nearly red to white. In about a week they will be very nice and will last into August."

If you are in the Muskogee area in the next month, check them out. Qualls said they are south of the Bicycle/Hiking path overpass.
I'll try to find them over the next two weeks and give more details about the location and how to get a good view of them.
Greetings from France
Superbe, bravo et merci