Oklahoma's 2010 Master Gardener Conference is in Norman June 17-18
Norman Oklahoma will be the site of the 2010 Master Gardener Conference June 17-18.

Here's a link to the registration form. If my schedule allows it, I'll be there!
Oklahoma Master Gardener Conference registration
I'ts $40 if you sign up before June 1st. Here's the line-up -
Master Gardener Conference Social Event
Thursday Evening, June 17, 2010
To get the Norman flavor and meet your fellow gardeners, please plan to attend the Wine and Cheese Social from 6 to 9 p.m. (come and go) at the Cleveland County Master Gardener Association Demonstration and Teaching Garden at the Cleveland County Extension Office and Fairgrounds at 601 E. Robinson. The garden was established in 2000 to help residents see for themselves how beautiful their own gardens can grow. Various themed gardens include herbs,vegetables, Oklahoma Proven selections, butterfly gardens, Xeriscape plants, square foot and handicapped beds, Native American vegetables, plus much more. Gardens will also be featured as a tour option during the conference on Friday. In the event of inclement weather the social will
be held at the N. Classroom at the Fairgrounds.
The Conference - Friday, June 18
J.D. McCarty Trident Center
2002 E. Robinson St.
Norman, OK 73071
Speakers and Topics
1. Identifying Grasses is Not a Glumey Affair – Dr. Ron Tyrl
Exhibiting numerous adaptations for wind pollination, the Poaceae or grass family is one of the most highly evolved plant families in addition to being economically the most important and ecologically the most widespread. As you dissect several Oklahoma grasses, become familiar with the terminology used to describe and identify them, the adaptations that they possess, and most importantly the hidden beauty that they exhibit. A primer on grass terminology will be distributed. See the keynote section for biographical information about Dr. Tyrl.
2. The Beginning of Wisdom is Calling Things by Their Right Names - Dr. Ron Tyrl
A plant’s scientific name is the key to all that we know about it. Using common Oklahoma species as examples, become familiar with the nature and origins of scientific names, the
hierarchy of plant classification, the citation of authors, the proper use of cultivar names, and the problems associated with vernacular names. A primer on botanical nomenclature will be distributed. See the keynote section for biographical information about Dr. Tyrl.
3. New Ornamental Plant Introductions for 2010! – Dr. Bruce Dunn, Assistant Professor, Herbaceous Ornamentals at OSU-Stillwater
New perennial plant introductions from Proven Winners® and new woody and tree
introductions from Garden Debut® will be highlighted.
Dr. Dunn is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape
Architecture at Oklahoma State University specializing in Herbaceous Ornamentals.
4. Heirlooms and Heritage in the Market Place – Mr. Matt Runkle, Native Roots Market, Norman, OK
This presentation will look at diversity found in our heritage and the use of heirloom plants and how they can be used to market the small farmer.
Matt Runkle and his wife are the owners of Native Roots Market.
5. The Fungi: An Overview of the Forgotten Kingdom – Dr. Mariëlle Hoefnagels,
Departments of Botany-Microbiology and Zoology, OU
A brief introduction to the fungi, with an emphasis on the types of fungal species and their roles in food production, medicine, agriculture, and ecology.
Dr. Hoefnagels has degrees in Environmental Science, Soil Science, and Botany and Plant Pathology with specialty in fungi. She has worked at the University of Oklahoma since 1997 and has authored or co-authored several college-level biology textbooks.
6. OSU Insect Adventure – Entomology Up Close and Personal! – Dr. Andrine Shufran, Associate Extension Specialist, Director of Insect Adventure, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, OSU-Stillwater
Come discover more about this unique educational outreach facility in Stillwater. Investigate the science and fascination surrounding the largest and most diverse group of animals on the planet and learn what programs are offered to the public. This hands-on presentation with live insects and their relatives will be an experience you remember and discuss for a long time.
Dr. Andrine Shufran has been running arthropod zoos for over a decade now. She received her Ph.D. from OSU and her M.S. from New Mexico State--both in Entomology. Her B.S. was Horticulture and Entomology from Texas A&M University, her home town. Andrine says she has the best job in the world because she gets to be a kid who plays with bugs all day, but outside of work she enjoys life with her wonderful husband, skeet shooting, gardening, and piano.
7. Earth-Friendly Gardening – Mr. Doug Walton, Community Foods Coordinator, Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Poteau, OK
Participants will learn how to build healthy garden soils for raising healthy plants, and how this relates to sustainable agriculture. Other topics will include natural weed and pest management, as well as tips for saving water and energy in the garden.
Doug Walton is the Community Foods Coordinator at the Kerr Center for Sustainable
Agriculture, where he works with the Buy Fresh Buy Local program and other statewide
initiatives for improving access to locally-produced foods. Over the last fifteen years, he has advocated on behalf of family farms and local food systems in Utah, Kansas and Oklahoma, while always raising an organic garden. For the past 4 years, he has also volunteered as manager for the Muskogee Farmers’ Market. Doug lives with his wife and two teenagers on their small farm outside Muskogee, where he helps them raise cut-flowers, produce and herbs for sale at the market.
8. A Garden for All Seasons - and All Reasons – Mr. Robert Westbrook, Westbrook
Landscaping, Norman, OK
Explore the landscape possibilities for creating a unique garden for all seasons by selecting the right plants for the right places. We will incorporate proven horticultural “greenscape” techniques based on many years of practical experience to design, install and maintain xeriscape, water,
butterfly and hummingbird, perennial, and herb and vegetable gardens that are such a popular respite in today’s fast paced culture. Elements of each of these topics will be integrated to create inviting gardens for all seasons and all reasons.
Robert Westbrook has deep roots in horticulture as he grew up in the family business learning his love for plants alongside his grandfather and uncle, Otis and Preston Warren, who discovered and introduced the Oklahoma redbud. He has over forty years experience in all phases of horticulture including wholesale, retail and greenhouse management, plant tissue culture production, farmers markets, and residential and commercial landscape design, installation, and maintenance.
9. Bringing Slow Food Home – Dr. Barbara Brown, Assistant Professor, Extension Food Specialist, Family & Consumer Sciences – Cooperative Extension Nutritional Sciences, OSU-Stillwater
Dr. Brown will describe the slow food movement and its status in Oklahoma. It will include adiscussion of fruit and vegetable purchase options available to Oklahomans in contrast to those in Italy, birthplace of the slow food movement.
Barbara Brown became the Food Specialist for the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service in 1981. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Kansas State University in food and nutrition, a Ph.D. from Oklahoma State University in home economics and is a registered and licensed dietitian. Barb’s goal is to help Oklahoman’s live healthier by teaching that good-for-you food, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, can be easy to fix, good tasting food - even
Brussels sprouts and lima beans.
All speakers and topics are subject to change.

Here's a link to the registration form. If my schedule allows it, I'll be there!
Oklahoma Master Gardener Conference registration
I'ts $40 if you sign up before June 1st. Here's the line-up -
Master Gardener Conference Social Event
Thursday Evening, June 17, 2010
To get the Norman flavor and meet your fellow gardeners, please plan to attend the Wine and Cheese Social from 6 to 9 p.m. (come and go) at the Cleveland County Master Gardener Association Demonstration and Teaching Garden at the Cleveland County Extension Office and Fairgrounds at 601 E. Robinson. The garden was established in 2000 to help residents see for themselves how beautiful their own gardens can grow. Various themed gardens include herbs,vegetables, Oklahoma Proven selections, butterfly gardens, Xeriscape plants, square foot and handicapped beds, Native American vegetables, plus much more. Gardens will also be featured as a tour option during the conference on Friday. In the event of inclement weather the social will
be held at the N. Classroom at the Fairgrounds.
The Conference - Friday, June 18
J.D. McCarty Trident Center
2002 E. Robinson St.
Norman, OK 73071
Speakers and Topics
1. Identifying Grasses is Not a Glumey Affair – Dr. Ron Tyrl
Exhibiting numerous adaptations for wind pollination, the Poaceae or grass family is one of the most highly evolved plant families in addition to being economically the most important and ecologically the most widespread. As you dissect several Oklahoma grasses, become familiar with the terminology used to describe and identify them, the adaptations that they possess, and most importantly the hidden beauty that they exhibit. A primer on grass terminology will be distributed. See the keynote section for biographical information about Dr. Tyrl.
2. The Beginning of Wisdom is Calling Things by Their Right Names - Dr. Ron Tyrl
A plant’s scientific name is the key to all that we know about it. Using common Oklahoma species as examples, become familiar with the nature and origins of scientific names, the
hierarchy of plant classification, the citation of authors, the proper use of cultivar names, and the problems associated with vernacular names. A primer on botanical nomenclature will be distributed. See the keynote section for biographical information about Dr. Tyrl.
3. New Ornamental Plant Introductions for 2010! – Dr. Bruce Dunn, Assistant Professor, Herbaceous Ornamentals at OSU-Stillwater
New perennial plant introductions from Proven Winners® and new woody and tree
introductions from Garden Debut® will be highlighted.
Dr. Dunn is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape
Architecture at Oklahoma State University specializing in Herbaceous Ornamentals.
4. Heirlooms and Heritage in the Market Place – Mr. Matt Runkle, Native Roots Market, Norman, OK
This presentation will look at diversity found in our heritage and the use of heirloom plants and how they can be used to market the small farmer.
Matt Runkle and his wife are the owners of Native Roots Market.
5. The Fungi: An Overview of the Forgotten Kingdom – Dr. Mariëlle Hoefnagels,
Departments of Botany-Microbiology and Zoology, OU
A brief introduction to the fungi, with an emphasis on the types of fungal species and their roles in food production, medicine, agriculture, and ecology.
Dr. Hoefnagels has degrees in Environmental Science, Soil Science, and Botany and Plant Pathology with specialty in fungi. She has worked at the University of Oklahoma since 1997 and has authored or co-authored several college-level biology textbooks.
6. OSU Insect Adventure – Entomology Up Close and Personal! – Dr. Andrine Shufran, Associate Extension Specialist, Director of Insect Adventure, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, OSU-Stillwater
Come discover more about this unique educational outreach facility in Stillwater. Investigate the science and fascination surrounding the largest and most diverse group of animals on the planet and learn what programs are offered to the public. This hands-on presentation with live insects and their relatives will be an experience you remember and discuss for a long time.
Dr. Andrine Shufran has been running arthropod zoos for over a decade now. She received her Ph.D. from OSU and her M.S. from New Mexico State--both in Entomology. Her B.S. was Horticulture and Entomology from Texas A&M University, her home town. Andrine says she has the best job in the world because she gets to be a kid who plays with bugs all day, but outside of work she enjoys life with her wonderful husband, skeet shooting, gardening, and piano.
7. Earth-Friendly Gardening – Mr. Doug Walton, Community Foods Coordinator, Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Poteau, OK
Participants will learn how to build healthy garden soils for raising healthy plants, and how this relates to sustainable agriculture. Other topics will include natural weed and pest management, as well as tips for saving water and energy in the garden.
Doug Walton is the Community Foods Coordinator at the Kerr Center for Sustainable
Agriculture, where he works with the Buy Fresh Buy Local program and other statewide
initiatives for improving access to locally-produced foods. Over the last fifteen years, he has advocated on behalf of family farms and local food systems in Utah, Kansas and Oklahoma, while always raising an organic garden. For the past 4 years, he has also volunteered as manager for the Muskogee Farmers’ Market. Doug lives with his wife and two teenagers on their small farm outside Muskogee, where he helps them raise cut-flowers, produce and herbs for sale at the market.
8. A Garden for All Seasons - and All Reasons – Mr. Robert Westbrook, Westbrook
Landscaping, Norman, OK
Explore the landscape possibilities for creating a unique garden for all seasons by selecting the right plants for the right places. We will incorporate proven horticultural “greenscape” techniques based on many years of practical experience to design, install and maintain xeriscape, water,
butterfly and hummingbird, perennial, and herb and vegetable gardens that are such a popular respite in today’s fast paced culture. Elements of each of these topics will be integrated to create inviting gardens for all seasons and all reasons.
Robert Westbrook has deep roots in horticulture as he grew up in the family business learning his love for plants alongside his grandfather and uncle, Otis and Preston Warren, who discovered and introduced the Oklahoma redbud. He has over forty years experience in all phases of horticulture including wholesale, retail and greenhouse management, plant tissue culture production, farmers markets, and residential and commercial landscape design, installation, and maintenance.
9. Bringing Slow Food Home – Dr. Barbara Brown, Assistant Professor, Extension Food Specialist, Family & Consumer Sciences – Cooperative Extension Nutritional Sciences, OSU-Stillwater
Dr. Brown will describe the slow food movement and its status in Oklahoma. It will include adiscussion of fruit and vegetable purchase options available to Oklahomans in contrast to those in Italy, birthplace of the slow food movement.
Barbara Brown became the Food Specialist for the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service in 1981. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Kansas State University in food and nutrition, a Ph.D. from Oklahoma State University in home economics and is a registered and licensed dietitian. Barb’s goal is to help Oklahoman’s live healthier by teaching that good-for-you food, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains, can be easy to fix, good tasting food - even
Brussels sprouts and lima beans.
All speakers and topics are subject to change.