Today's Harvest
Peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes are the harvest at this time of year - well, in the years we are lucky enough to have a harvest.
The peppers are an assortment of varieties we started from seed in late winter/early spring plus a couple we got from Blossoms Garden Center when they ran their pre-season-order-ahead special in the Muskogee Phoenix.
This 6-inch tomato is one of the first to come from the Blossoms' plants. There are many more green ones on the vines.

These are Johnny's Orange King tomatoes - we started the plants from seed in February in the shed. Lights and heat provided by Oklahoma Gas and Electric of course.
Not bad for one day of picking - after 6 months of effort of course. What's more fun the growing or the harvesting?

This 6-inch tomato is one of the first to come from the Blossoms' plants. There are many more green ones on the vines.

These are Johnny's Orange King tomatoes - we started the plants from seed in February in the shed. Lights and heat provided by Oklahoma Gas and Electric of course.

What's growing and blooming in your garden?