Old House Gardens Heirloom Bulbs - order spring flowering bulbs now

Martagon Lily
Old House Gardens specializes in heirloom bulbs and we order something from them every fall for October shipping and planting.

As the summer begins to fade away, ordering bulbs for spring helps ease the blues caused by the realization that, oh, no, the garden is fading.

Here's what I ordered this morning (all photos are from OHG site)
Coral lily

Martagon lily - European mountain lilies
Early flowering, pink turk's cap type flowers, 3-4 feet tall
and a bit fussy according to the OHG catalog. Zones 3-7.
Prefer part shade.

Coral lily - native to Siberia! Zones 4-8. Can be short-lived
but self-seeds. Early flowering.

White Windflower Anemone - Strong white flower for bright
shade in zones 5-8. Here they grow to about 6-inches tall in
the mid-spring.

Avalanche daffodils/narcissus - grows 16-18 inches tall and has clusters
of sweetly scented flowers. It was discovered in Scilly Isles but has grown
well in our garden for years. We needed more! Zones 6-9.

Avalanche daffodil/narcissus
White Anemone Windlfower
We're enjoying the cooler temperatures and the rain this week and are looking forward to the 80-degree days that have been predicted.

The vegetable garden needs another few weeks of warmth.

Click over to the OHG site and start dreaming of your spring garden coming to life.


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