Dig In Festival in Fayetteville and Weed Science Society in D.C.

Two upcoming events of interest -

Dig In! - Food & Farming Festival 2012 March 2 & 3, 2012
Real food. Real Farms. Real Local.
Global Campus, Fayetteville Square  |   www.diginfestival.com
Contact: Leigh Wilkerson, co-organizer: 479-856-2088 or wilkerson.leigh@gmail.com

Fayetteville, AR— Dig In! Food & Farming Festival returns bigger andbetter on March 2 & 3, 2012 to celebrate local food, farms andgardens with films, classes, an information fair, seed-swap, tastings and more.

The documentary films at DigIn! are selected to uplift, empower and inspire viewers. Several will be screened for the first time in Arkansas. Filmsinclude: Queen of the Sun, Urban Roots, Seed Swap in the Ozarks, Food Fight,Greenhorns & more. Trailer previews are available at www.diginfestival.com.

Besides films, there will beclasses on organic gardening, cooking from the garden or farmers market, ediblelandscaping, season extension, food preservation, beekeeping, seed saving, andbackyard chickens. The Fayetteville Community Garden Coalition will hold theirannual seed-swap at Dig In! for thefirst time—it is free to all. More special features are being planned forattendees.

The first Dig In! in 2011 drew 150 attendees to watch documentary filmsthroughout the day and evening. With the addition this year of classes, theinformation fair, a seed-swap, tastings and more, Dig In! 2012 is going to be better than ever.

Location: UA Global Campus on theFayetteville Square - Friday evening March 2, 20012 through Saturday evening March 3rd. Supporter-passes start at $30. Tickets to individual events at the door. The seed-swap, information fair, and other selected offerings will be free.



The May 10 event is being organized by the National Research Council, the operating arm of the National Academy of Sciences, and will be held at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.

Several WSSA members will deliver presentations or participate in panel discussions. Among them is David Shaw, former president of WSSA and immediate past chairman of its Herbicide Resistance Education Committee. He will address best management practices that can combat herbicide resistance.

"A significant contributing factor in the evolution of resistance is the repeated use of a single herbicide mode of action," Shaw says. "To counter this dangerous trend, we need to move to integrated weed management programs that incorporate a variety of other control methods. Doing so can help us preserve crop yields, herbicide effectiveness and the sustainability of vital agricultural production systems."


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