JAN 29th Free gardening workshop in Muskogee

City Wide Gardening Seminar organized by Ray Stanley
January 29, 2011 – 9:00 am to 11:00 am
Location: Muskogee First Assembly, 3100 Gulick, Muskogee

The Seminar Objective will be to inform young people of the benefits of raising their own vegetables and older gardeners with some new ideas on topics of seed varieties, composting, patio and small space and raised bed gardening, insect and weed control. OSU Extension has provided fact sheets. This is a non-profit seminar and is being sponsored by Muskogee First Assembly, local businesses, and garden seed companies. First Assembly will provide the meeting room.

In Oklahoma, according to USDA Reports, only fifteen percent of adults eat the daily-recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables and twenty-five percent of the children in our state, go to bed hungry at some time during each month. We will have additional seminars throughout the spring.

Our goal is to get families in our city to grow their own vegetables.

Please call 918-682-9000 for reservations
This seminar is free – everyone is welcome!
Come early for doughnuts and coffee and register for door prizes!

Registration/Sign-in – 8:30 to 9:00 am
9:00 Welcome Lisa Raasch – Muskogee Wellness Initiative
Wayne Herriman – Sunburst Seed Company New varieties of garden seed and open pollinated seed
10-Minute Break
Martha Stoodley – Master Gardener - Starting seed and transplanting tips
Andy Qualls – raised bed and container gardening; compost and soil

Free seed catalogs and literature, Door prizes, Free seed packets, Fact sheets


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