Late November for Gardeners

Zone 7 has officially hit winter - it was 40-F at 7:30 tonight.

The tropical plants are tucked away, most of the seeds and cuttings have been gathered. Of course there are still some flowers and vegetables hanging on and the garlic is coming up.

I got caught up in enthusiasm and ordered 5 varieties of fingerling potatoes from Ronniger Potato Farm. For years, I missed the window to order and get them here in time for our Feb 14 planting. But this year for some reason I hit the mark.

Veseys Seed has their new catalog online. Click here to take a look.

Pinetree Gardens fall bulb sale is on - here.

Touch of Nature's bulb sale is on - 100 tulips for $20 etc.

Tulsa Master Gardeners website has published its November to-do list. You can find it here.

So, what are you doing to prevent horticulture withdrawal? I'm poking around in the shed, reading seed catalogs and puttering.


Paul said…
Great Blog Gardening advice needed please.We are having extreme problems trying to keep leaves out of our garden. After the heavy winds we seem to be filling bag after bag of leaves. Can anyone suggest a sensible solution. I tend to despise leave blowers but I may have no other option to get my garden looking the way it should. Great blog by the way. My wife and I very much enjoy reading it.
Molly Day said…
Hi Paul -
My first piece of advice is to wait until all the leaves have fallen rather than working on it all the time.

Secondly, leaves could be piled and composted rather than bagged - bagging them is a big hassle and your garden loses the benefits of leaf mulch.

It is too late this year, but maybe next year you could put row cover fabric over a bed, then gather up the leaves into it when leaf fall is completed for the season.

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