Horticulture Conference Jan 8 and 9 Tulsa

The agenda and registration information is at this link -

The Horticulture Industries Show and Conference is right around the corner! It’s packed with educational sessions, networking with professionals and the opportunity to participate in round table discussions. 
You will find growers, educators and researchers who will share the latest information on vegetables, fruit, Christmas trees, farmers’ market crops, public gardening issues and learn a few secrets of success from masters in your field. This is a vital time for the horticulture industry and those interest in horticulture to come together for a brighter and more profitable future!

Conference pre-registration is December 22, and the hotel reservation deadline is December 29.

Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone for any questions you may have regarding the conference.
We look forward to seeing you in 2016!

Donna Dollins
HLA Logo

Phone: 405-744-6460


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