Oso Easy Roses Are Actually Easy!

Oso Easy Lemon Zest Rose
in our back yard
If a plant makes it in our yard two years, it earns a spot in our hearts and in your garden.

We do not baby our plants because we have full lives and almost 3-acres to take care of. About half of the plants we put into the ground do not survive. So! Plants that thrive deserve a mention.

These two Oso Easy Lemon Zest rose shrubs went in two summers ago during the height of the rose rosette plague. We forget to water them. They have never been treated with insect or fungal spray in those two years. I have never had to clip blight from them. This spring I gave them a drenching with seaweed/fish emulsion.

That's it for their care other than one pruning to clean them up in the spring. These are from the fine growers, Spring Meadow Nursery in Fergus Falls, MN.

We only have the Lemon Zest ones but there are a dozen colors to choose among. Just click over to this Proven Winners Link to see the rest.

We're in zone 7 and they have bloomed for several months already without being deadheaded. They are hardy in zones 5 through 9. Full sun is recommended but ours are in part shade - this is the south after all.

Want easy? Ready to replace some shrubs or add to a flower bed? Look at Oso Easy Roses.

Here's the press release about the award these beauties just won -
Proven Winners
Oso Easy Lemon Zest Rose
The American Rose Society (ARS) announced at the 2015 National Conference that Proven Winners® received the Award of Excellence for Oso Easy Lemon Zest rose. To receive the Award of Excellence, a rose must prove its medal in six different no-spray trial locations across the United States. This is the second Proven Winners rose to win this prestigious award; Oso Happy® Petit Pink rose, received the Award of Excellence in 2012. 

“We are thrilled to receive this award from ARS for Oso Easy Lemon Zest, as its one of our favorite roses and a top seller”, Tim Wood, Product Development, Spring Meadow Nursery. "A healthy-growing, self-cleaning rose that does not fade to white has been on a lot of people’s wish list, and this award confirms that this is a very special rose.” 

The Oso Easy Lemon Zest rose was developed by Chris Warner, the highly acclaimed rose breeder from Shropshire, England. After years of trials and evaluation by Proven Winners, Oso Easy Lemon Zest rose lived up to the highest standards. Unlike most yellow varieties, Oso Easy Lemon Zest rose exhibits a very high level of disease resistance and its sunny, canary yellow flowers do not fade to white. Like all Oso Easy® roses, it is hardy and free-flowering, self-cleaning with attractive, glossy green foliage.


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