Landscape with Native Plants - Lissa Morrison - free talk Sept 19th

Lissa Morrison, who works at Botanical Garden of the Ozarks, will be the September 19 speaker for the meeting of the Flower Garden and Nature Society of Northwest Arkansas.

Location is the Northwest AR Technical Institute, 709 S. Old Missouri Rd, Springdale. The meeting begins at 10 am. 

"Taming the Wild – Ozark Natives in the Home Landscape"

The speaker, Lissa Morrison, has had an interest in native plants since 2008 when she and her husband, Merle, opened White River Nursery in south Fayetteville.  Her mission is to increase knowledge & understanding of how to use native plants in our own backyards.  

“By encouraging the use of some of the well behaved natives, we can hopefully return to a more balanced ecosystem.” 

Morrison genuinely believes that by changing one yard at a time, we as gardeners, can make a difference.


Anonymous said…
"Taming the Wild" sounds like a fun talk by Lissa Morrison. I remember Lissa and her husband while they owned White River Nursery in Fayetteville; it was always fun to talk with Lissa and learn more about plants. As director of garden design and management at Botanical Garden of the Ozarks, she is truly in her natural place!

Molly Day said…
I hope I get to go, too. It sounds so interesting.

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