Spring to summer - a garden in transition

It has been in the 90s here in zone 7 this week, reminding us that spring is ending and summer is about to cook the garden. 
The show put on by the redbud and native plum trees, viburnum, flowering quince, flowering almond and daffodils has ended. The flowers of irises, snowball bush, dianthus, rue, mock orange and baptesia have taken center stage

These are the days we spend every minute possible outside. We weed, water, plant and anticipate the next season of the garden.

In the vegetable bed, the snowpeas are flowering, the beets have true leaves and the kale has enough mid-size leaves to use in salads.

The blackberries are blooming, the grape vines are covered with clusters of tiny fruit, there are a dozen apples on the new trees and the figs are sprouting from the ground. The harsh winter killed the figs to to the ground this year.

Perennials are returning, sending up shoots to remind us of where they are. Hydrangeas, verbena, the umbrella trees, weigelias, peonies, lavender, are emerging or have buds ready to pop open.

I make time every day to be in one of the hammocks despite the press of garden tasks on my list. Looking up into the tree tops while the breeze blows gives respite to my aching hands.


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