Muskogee Garden Tour - Leslie and Randy Scott's garden

One of the joys of attending garden tours is seeing how other gardeners’ creativity can make their yard into a personal expression. So, grab a camera and attend the Muskogee Garden Tour on June 7 and get some new ideas for sun, shade and poolside.

Homeowners Leslie and Randy Scott have spent a few years transforming their front, back and side yards into a relaxing spot for friends and family. 

“We started in the fall of 2010 with a plan by Steven Williams Landscape in Tulsa,” Leslie Scott said. “What I like about the plants he selected is that once they are established, they take little water and care.”

When you first arrive at the Scott’s, you are treated to their pleasingly landscaped front yard on a corner lot. Look for Azaleas, Oak Leaf Hydrangea, Crape Myrtle, Boxwood, Leatherleaf Viburnums, Mugo Pines and Otto Luyken Laurels.

The Otto Luyken Laurel is a dwarf variety of English Laurel that is hardy in zones 6 to 9.

“The bees like the white flower spikes and the birds enjoy the black berries on the Laurel,” Scott said. “I like to plant things that bring birds into our yard.” 

Immediately out the back door of the Scott home is an outdoor kitchen with an entertainment area and swimming pool.

“When we bought the house, the lawn was filled with 40-year old sweet gum trees that we had to remove,” said Scott.

Other structures in the back yard include the pool house and a potting shed where Leslie stores the mower, tools, pots, etc. Randy takes care of the mowing and Leslie prunes and continues to add plants. A large potting cart sits by the shed.

She said, “Having a cart like that means that I can take it wherever I’m working and keep the mess contained.”

In the Scott’s large back yard, you will see a wide a variety of shrubs lining the buildings and fences including: Foster’s Holly (Ilex attenuate), Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus Schipkaensis or Schip Laurel), Crape Myrtle, Red Sprite Winterberry (Ilex verticillata Nana Red), Knockout Roses, Dogleaf Viburnum, Maiden Grass (Miscanthus sinensis), Butterfly bush and Eleagnus pungens.

Eleagnus pungens (Silverberry) is hardy in zones 6 to 9 and is used as a screening hedge. The wavy leaves are green but have silver scales on the top and brown scales on the underside. They like sun and need little water. Their mature size is 6 to 10 feet tall and wide.

The trees in the back include Red bud, Prairiefire Crabapple, Willow Oaks and Green Giant Arborvitae.
“I love Green Giant Arborvitae,” Scott said. “They grew quickly to provide good screening both for the front and the back.”

Green Giants have a natural pyramidal shape and dense, dark green, fernlike foliage. They are hardy in zones 5 to 8 and are planted 7 feet apart to give them room to mature. They grow 2 to 4 feet a year to mature at 40 to 60 feet tall and 10 to 16 feet wide. Plant in sun, with acidic soil; they are drought tolerant after established.

While the Scott’s do most of their own maintenance, they have been assisted with projects by Jeff Ailshie, owner of Turf Specialist in Muskogee, and Adolpho Quistian who is helping Randy install the new rock walkway.

Scott said, “I love to plant flowers. Recently I put in the Calla Lilies, Black Eyed Susans, Salvia, etc. We try to stay with the native plants because they do better. I also enjoy dividing and sharing my plants.”

The Scott’s garden is impressive for a 4 year old landscape.

Muskogee Garden Tour is Saturday, June 7 from 9 to 3
the $5 tickets include 4 home gardens plus Papilion at Honor Heights and a plant sale
Garden locations: 2501 N Country Club, 3505 Porter ST
2204 Park Place and 2604 Camelot CT
Included in the tour are Papilion and plant sale at Honor Heights Park


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