On the road to Crystal Bridges - miles of bouquets by Holland Wildflower Farm
Holland Wildflower Farm created the seed mix for the gorgeous wildflowers along the road to the museum.

Holland Wildflower Farm posted on their Facebook page today that the seed mix
that created the view along the road to Crystal Bridges is called "Little Bit Shady".If you would like to plant a wildflower garden, check out Holland Wildflower Farm.
They sell individual plant seeds and mixes such as Floodplain Wildlife Mix, Eastern Native Habitat,
Continuous Color, Butterfly, Shortgrass Prairie Flower, etc.Email: hwildflowerfarm@cox.net P.O. Box 328, Elkins, Arkansas USA 72727
Orders: (800) 684-3734 Customer Service: (479) 643-2622 Questions/Problems